(Green School for green Bhutan)

Friday, April 1, 2016

His Eminence Gyalwa Dokhampa’s visit to our school.

His Eminence Gyalwa Dokhampa’s visit to our school.

28th March was a day that started out gloomy with rain, weathers like this may invoke feelings of sadness, depression or simply the urge to just sleep in the comfort of your bed the whole day. Perhaps one can look at it that way or one can look at the rain as the beginning of a new day, as a means of purifying the negative thoughts and words said and making room for something important to be realized. Today I looked at the rain as the water helping the growth of hope.
As the rain calmed, the sun rays hit the ground, evaporating the remnants of rain back to the sky; to where it belongs. Students were asked to gather in the assembly ground. So, carrying our kabneys and rachus, we walked out of our classes to the assembly ground and started to line up according to our sections and sat down after doing so. Soon after we were all settled down, His Eminence arrived as graceful as rain.
His Eminence was going to give us the Jitsuen Dema blessing today, but anyone who has had a session with His Eminence before would know, there are more than just prayers chanted and repeated with Rinpochhe; He almost certainly includes teaching us more about the history of Jitsuen Dema, Buddhism, karmic connection,why everything has a cause and effect and more.
Today, Rinpochhe talked essentially about how everything has a cause and effect. The good that happens to us in the present maybe the result of something good you did in your previous life; fitting to the famous proverb, “You reap what you sow,” and if something bad is happening to you, it might be due to the negative karma you accumulated in your past life. But Rinpochhe reminded us that there isn’t a fixed destiny. Maybe you did something horrible in your past life, but does that mean you’ll suffer from something horrible your whole present life? No. You are in charge of paving your own path, by doing good and living ethical and moral. You are in control of your own destiny.

 Rinpochhe also talked about how greed, beauty and words-either negative or positive- don’t have meaning in its core. But it is our mind that gives it meaning. Our minds control everything, from the way we perceive things to the way we do things. If we all look into life carefully, there wouldn’t be any worries, or sadness or anger if we just learned how to tame our mind. The way you look at the world, all depends on your mind. Happiness, sadness, pain, anger, disappointment, expectations and all the other emotions we feel are all created by our own mind. If we always have a positive outlook in all the situations we have to face and understand why you had to face those situations reasonably, we would certainly be able to live a productive and happy life.
After what Rinpochhe had preached, those who had listened were with no doubt, inspired to become better human beings. Rinpochhe ended his session by giving all the students the blessings of Jitsuen Dema. Our school then presented to His Eminence three cultural performances that etched smiles into many faces. After the performances, Rinpochhe took his leave, leaving behind with us words of motivation and benevolence. I further realized the true essence of life this day, and I hope many of our students did too.

Kuenzang Palmo.
Student Reporter
School  Media Club


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