(Green School for green Bhutan)

Great Leaders are optimistic

Great leaders inspire other people, their friends, customer, associates and even their children because they are inspired themselves.

Our youth are our future

The future of the nation lies in the hands of our younger generatios.It is therefore crucial that they live up to our high expectation and ensure the continued well being and security of the nation. H.M

Success is where preparation and opportunity meet.

Teach your child about good sportsmanship and the positive aspects of the experience.

A heart of a good Teacher

A good teacher, like a good entertainer first must hold his audience's attention, then he can teach his lesson.

21st Century School Leaders

As we look ahead into the 21st century, leaders will be those who empower others. - Bill Gates.

Buddhism has been around for over 2,500 years.

“Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.”

Friday, May 6, 2016

A tale of the Minister and us.

Grade ten students swamp the Multi Purpose Hall, brimming with curiosity and anticipation of what lay ahead of them. What would it be about? Why had the praiseworthy Minister of Education - whose schedule was far too crammed – had made time for this visit? What would he talk on? Questions and questions filled up each head, all waiting for answers that would be given in due course of time.
The crowd hushed and instantly rose from their seats at the first appearance of the impeccable figure. One of the school prefects, Ms. Tandin Wangmo Das warmly welcomed the Hon’ble Minister with her ever immaculate vocabulary that stunned the audience. A fine articulate orator indeed, fully justifying her capacity as a perfect.
With humorous words and kind smiles, the students were soon captivated by the sheer force of His Excellency’s charisma. They listened along with childlike glee, nodding, laughing and in total agreement to every word he conversed.
"Like all parents, we hope and pray that our children would succeed in life" he says, eyes twinkling with delight from his ever-present grin. The Minister lovingly adds in how he saw each and every one of them as his very own children. The honesty of the statement warmed every heart and soul present in the hall.
The real purpose behind the convention is revealed when he inquires on the consumption of the sweets that were distributed prior to his arrival. He bluntly states that those who did consume it would face problems and have a difficult spouse and vice versa - here the students laughed. According to the Hon’ble Minister, the sweets refer to the ''temptation'' to indulge in unethical activities.
To further supplement his point, a video was played, ''The Marshmallow Experiment'' it stated in bold letters.  In the video, various five year olds were placed in room whereby they were given a single marshmallow. They were then given the choice of either consuming it instantly or to wait for fifteen minutes which would earn them another extra one. In this video clip too, the marshmallow symbolizes "temptation" clearly demonstrating how waiting or refraining from temptation could make you gain milestones or merits .  It serves as a timely reminder to all of us about the state of our minds.
This test proved that those who waited; those who resisted the urge were the ones that succeeded in life. Those who could not resist the temptation and consumed it immediately faced a troublesome future. Why?
According to the Minister, there was a part of the brain that solely focused on advising oneself. The advisory part of the brain plays a crucial part in the everyday life for it would help one to decide on what would be the best option for oneself at that state of time and place. This is why it is important to maintain it in the best possible condition.
"Let's say, you're riding down the hill four-hundred-kilometer-per-hour," says the charming Minister in a lighter tone, "the healthy part of your brain would tell you to stop and thereby you would avoid an accident. However, the unhealthy part would encourage you to go even faster and in doing so, you would risk your life."
He relates how the so called 'chocolate' is but the symbol of temptation.  He mentioned that there are about two-hundred temptations one would face every day, however the best option would be is to steer away from any temptations.
The Minister lightened up the mood by narrating a rather amusing story. During his much younger years, he and his friends were into the idea of finding a significant partner. And so, during their search, they began to take part in unhealthy practices which lead to detrimental addictions. They were very much focused on the foolish goal which would virtually block any logical thinking. He recalls those days with a grim smile but brightens up immediately upon when he recaps on how he had learned to quit.
Six years ago, he discovered the 'secret' which changed his life forever and the secret is available to all of you, he exclaimed! The only difference he emphasized was the words of hopes in instilling the younger generation with values he never could incorporate into his habits as a child.
The ''secret'' as mentioned refers to the urge to fight against ''temptation'' of all sorts, which determines the will to stand against the immoral but very alluring practices and to give a proper second thought every time you encounter such temptations.. "Don't eat the chocolate now," the Minister particularly stressed as a reminder to fight against these attractions.
The Minister had shed light to the darkened portions of the teenage life in an extremely effective manner by illustrating his own experiences. He was able to articulate his thoughts magnificently and connect with the students; truly is a man of high caliber. The underlying message that was conveyed to all of us was, to stay away from all sort of temptation to get involved in unwanted activities; how enticing it might be but should have the strength to stay away from it.
The students that day, left for home with new information to share with their parents and relatives about the humorous tale of their beloved Minister.  How wonderful that day had been for the students of grade ten.

Student reporter

School Media Club
Tensin Chenzo Norbu. 

HRH Gyalsey






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