Friday, April 1, 2016

The School Fun Run of 2016

The School Fun Run of 2016

The start of yet another year welcomes fluttering novices and bright beginnings! Students scurry here and there – all too excited of the nearing activities and who’s to blame them when one is really close/ namely the annual school fun run! Perhaps these sort of things would play a much more interesting part in the kid’s heads.
On the recommendation of our ever ebullient sports teacher, sir Penjor, the students have dedicated an hour of their time to train. A very good idea for those who need to build the stamina or to awaken those rusty muscles from their sleep. Sir Penjor has also been very kind enough to inform the traffic police of the incoming waves of the pumped-up students. Pedestrians would notice the unusual amount of joggers whereas the cars were quick to honk at them. Quite the scene must have taken place.
Now that everyone is prepared-more or less in some cases- all that is needed is the marathon itself! Fortunately, the day arrives quicker than expected. Students arouse from their slumber of hard work to finally accomplish what they’ve been training for. The program is to begin at half-past-five however, the students are to report exactly thirty minutes earlier. Yikes! Quite an early morning.
The morning air washes over them like a storm of icy winds – chilling them to their very core. However, the sheer determination painted across each face- instantly warms them up. Teachers soon appear with flashlight to take their places and soon attendance is taken. Roll call is very crucial for a few participants would attempt to win by unlawful means. The students are but a blob of colours and noise and the air alight with excitement that no one could-or would- berate on.
Roughly an hour-and-half later, the sun is but a flicker of orange in the sky when the senior boys take off. Slowly, each batch leaves the starting line.
The route begins from the parking lot and past the flyover bridge. It is at the Olakha bridge when the junior girls will complete half their run. The senior girls and the junior boys will continue on and reaching half-a-kilometre from the welcome gate, the zero point, will return back. With the help of defined leg muscles and vigorous stamina, the senior boys will head on till the welcome gate. What sheer will!
It isn’t compulsory for a student to partake in a marathon, they may suffer from an illness and therefore, will be exempted. They will be given a different responsibility that wouldn’t need as much effort. Several teachers would drive along the route to aid those injured or out of energy. They’d not only give a lift, but supplement them with refreshments. At every checkpoint, the exempted students and teachers would be there to replenish the participants with water. How lovely is that?
At the finishing line/ those ranking in the top three positions would be awarded a cash prize and a certificate in all categories and even those obtaining the positions till the twentieth.
Although at the end of the day, participation is more significant than victory. Students have shed sweat and hours today but more of all, they’ve learned that hard work can achieve anything.

Tensin Chenzo Norbu 10-E
student reporter

School Media Club