Friday, April 8, 2016


 Annual Sports Day, 9th April, 2016

A Glimpse of Sports Day, 2015

There is a great importance of games and sports for the students. The sports teach discipline to the students. These sports are very essential for the students. They also develop the spirit of the sportsmanship and derive a lot of pleasure by playing games. It also inculcates the quality of team spirit in them. The students learn the qualities of leadership and working unitedly. It also helps the children in building their self-confidence to display themselves in front of others.
All in all, participation in Games and Sports keep our children Fit and Healthy.
This year our annual sports day is celebrated on the 9th of April. It will be graced with the presence of our National Speaker, Lyoenpo Jigme Zangpo as our Chief Guest. Our sincere request to our parents to participate in celebrating this day, without whom the show and its events would be dull. Your presence will boost their self-esteem. 

Looking forward for your kind and continued support...

Thank you
School Games and Sports Department